Take charge.
Work on yourself so you can work on your business.
All the advice in the world doesn’t change the fact that it’s up to you.
Your leadership can’t be outsourced, but it can be developed.
National Farm Leadership Program
Canada’s flagship development program for agriculture.
NFLP Information Webinar
2:40 Agenda
4:14 What I’m seeing – Why people join the NFLP
9:20 How the NFLP will work for you
10:55 How the NFLP has benefitted others
13:40 Participant outcomes
14:30 The LeaderShift Way
15:30 What participants are looking for
16:00 Outcomes
21:00 Dates and Details
24:00 Alberta Canola Walter Paszkowski Leadership Award
25:30 Next Steps
27:00 Why I built the NFLP
28:40 How Kelly got into leader development
31:00 People are the limiting factor
34:00 Who NFLP is for/Program design
39:00 Debunking what an effective ag leader is
53:00 Evolution of the NFLP
54:00 Can couples come?
56:20 InSight and InSider Programs
1:07:45 Last word, “I’ll give it to you straight”.

“The program improved my mental resiliency by a lot – to not just get through stressful periods, but learning how to deal with stress.
I’m a better manager and leader. I’m better at communicating the things I want my farm to accomplish, including my family and employees helping me in my ability to strategic plan for the farm and develop a clearer vision for where I want things to go.
I’m more confident in decision-making and the way I interact with everyone on the farm. The program also helped me add structure to managing the farm and my team.”
Jake Leguee, Leguee Farms (SK), 2023 Outstanding Young Farmer
Our Promise
We will:
Teach you to develop and regulate your nervous system to build resilience and perform under pressure.
Help you surface and unpack what’s behind your behavior and make an authentic, positive shift.
Challenge you to evaluate and authentically expand your responses to challenges and opportunities with agility and confidence.
Measure you with a best in class leader effectiveness assessments to guide and measure your growth.
Enable you to engage for clarity, learning and greater partnership by teaching skills to engage others for impact.
Provide you with a program specifically designed for people working in agriculture that fits into a busy schedule.
- Support you through individual coaching and a community committed to building personal capacity for action, during and post program through LeaderShift Connect.
Built For:
- Farmers who are stepping up or stepping back
- Farm Managers and High Potentials
- Ag Industry Managers
- Families, Organizations and Companies who want to development their staff, clients and members
Program Format:
- Six weeks of online learning through the LeaderLab
Six 90 minute “Live Weekly” learning sessions
- 3-day residency
- Comprehensive leader assessment and private 90-minute review
- Develop a personalized development plan
9 months Individual coaching: bi-weekly or monthly
“Live Quarterly” group coaching sessions post residency for the remainder of the calendar year
Connect & learn anywhere, any time, on any device with our LeaderLab through the app or browser
Residency includes accommodation, meals and ground transportation from/to the airport in Victoria, BC.
- Certificate of Completion issued upon finishing program requirements
$11,990 per person
2025 Program Dates:
- January 27 – March 7: Online Tuesdays 9 am – 11 am CST
- March 11 – 13: Residency Vancouver Island
- March – December:
- 1 on 1 coaching
- Quarterly group coaching: April, July, October, December.
Application deadline January 17th, 2025
Space is limited
Leader development has been identified as a priority for agriculture.
To Apply: email info@leader-shift.ca
All applicants will have a “right fit, right now” conversation before admission.
Our Trusted Partner.
What LeaderShift participants say
“LeaderShift was just a name, now I’m truly starting to understand what it means and how in-depth it is. It has not been easy and I have been pushed out of my comfort zone, but it’s making a difference and I’m looking forward to continuing the journey.”
Craig Lehr, Short Grass Ranches
“I used to try and micromanage everything to death. On top of that, I wanted perfection. The benefits of teaching and delegating to others is really starting to shine . . . everyone is stepping up and the work is getting done. I no longer feel like it’s all up to me. I can play a more supportive role as a leader.”
Derek Axten, Axten Farms Ltd.
“The National Farm Leadership Program caused me to stretch and grow a lot and it wasn’t what I was expecting. That program really has a lot of value, and more impact in a lot of different ways. In business today, sometimes just being present in those opportunities presents other opportunities that I wasn’t aware of.”
Jamie Christie, Arn’s Brae Farms Ltd.
“The National Farm Leadership Program is a comprehensive program that combines academic content with practical application of how our mindsets allow us to show up in different ways. In a generational family farm business, mindsets become engrained in the way we interact with each other in the workplace everyday. The National Farm Leadership Program allows you to take a step back and realize that certain mindsets become over used while other mindsets are seldom used but can be very helpful when used choicefully. NFLP has been immensely powerful for me to confidently understand the inner dynamics of our family farm. Anyone working with family or multiple people within a farming operation would benefit greatly from taking this program and working with Kelly.”
Andrew and Trent Fandry Partnership
“The National Farm Leadership Program doesn’t merely teach principles of leadership; participants develop highly personalized ways to apply them in everyday life, incorporating accountability and follow up. I didn’t realize the impact that my tendency to be a perfectionist and trying to “do it all” was having on my colleagues and in my personal life .”
Tina Zakowsky, Canadian Angus Association
“The program improved my mental resiliency by a lot – to not just get through stressful periods, but learning how to deal with stress. I’m a better manager and leader. I’m better at communicating the things I want my farm to accomplish and including my family and employees, helping me in my ability to strategic plan for the farm and develop a clearer vision for where I want things to go. I’m more confident in decision-making and the way I interact with everyone on the farm. The program also helped me add structure to managing the farm and my team.”
Jake Leguee, Leguee Farms (SK)
“I wasn’t aware of my tendency to avoid confrontation and create distance, and how this was affecting my team. I have learned that confrontation doesn’t have to mean conflict and self awareness has opened up a whole new realm of understanding for me and everyone around me. I am now able to have more open conversations. Concerns are eased, and I feel enlightened because I have more context about situations to understand and respond more appropriately.”
Adam Gregory, Interlake Agri Ltd. (MB)
“I had the good fortune of meeting Kelly and Darrel at a conference in 2018 and after talking to them I could easily see that what LeaderShift was offering filled a major gap in training that Canadian farmers are usually offered. I started doing a deep dive into my overall management competencies in 2016 and found that production and marketing gurus were everywhere, finance coaching was readily available, but the human resource and leadership help was harder to find. Particularly where family (farm) business is concerned, Kelly could bring personal experience and wisdom into the mix. LeaderShift didn’t just help me professionally, it extended to my marriage and my whole family. I would highly recommend this program to anyone wanting to up their game and be a better person to work with.”
Kent Sereda, Sereda Farms Ltd.
“As it turned out, I took LeaderShift at a good time as I was I was transitioning out of my farm business and into semi retirement. I would recommend this course to anyone interested in becoming more self-aware, managing their anxiety and being a better communicator. Kelly and Darrel are very flexible, and were quick on their feet to adjust to the needs of the group. The experience exceeded my expectations and was worth every penny. Thank you guys.”
Darryl Toews, Alberta
“I had two previous experiences taking leadership courses, however both were a waste of time and money. Nothing got implemented because it’s too much information all at once with no systematic follow-up and support. The National Farm Leadership Program provides the opportunity to find ways to practice what we learn and keep practicing. The one-year follow-up is a tremendous value. I now have a plan in place and have the confidence to work with my faculty team, my children, and most importantly, remind myself. I’m a happier person and more confident about my leadership and how I show up – things I would have never realized without the program.”
Andreas Boecker, Associate Professor & Chair, Dept. of Food Agricultural, and Resource Economics (FARE), University of Guelph
“LeaderShift revealed a whole new side of leadership that has never been touched on in any previous course that I have taken. I was able to apply the principals immediately and witness the positive effects of clear communication. The leader assessment identified areas where my leadership required improvement and both the LeaderLab and residency were great ways to practice in both an individual and group setting.”
Darcelle Graham – Chief Operating Officer
“LeaderShift has been a great help in gaining a better understanding of how my leadership style impacted those around me – my core relationships and my teams – and has helped me to become a more effective leader. The work was challenging, personal and at times uncomfortable. It was sobering to discover my reactive style was stifling constructive conversations. Participating in LeaderShift was a gift and has been life changing for me.”
Ed Dornn, President/CEO, Excel–7 Ltd.
“Participating in LeaderShift had a significant impact on my life. In fact it was life changing. Participating in the course work and especially the residency made me realize the potential that I had and gave me the confidence to have conversations in a way that I didn’t know I could. LeaderShift gave me the confidence to lead our organization to the next level.”
Bonnie Pankratz – President, Axis Inspection
“After all my years in business, and dealing with all the issues of human relations, this course just made sense. On a human level we operate laterally, even though we are leaders in our respective spheres. Recognizing our own limitations and the need for “skillful transparency” as we navigate learning about others experiences and understanding our own, is so important in “Clear Leadership”. I am putting these new tools to full use!”
Roland Thiessen – Managing Partner, Westcap Group
“LeaderShift helped me realize the true price of my unhealthy work habits to myself, my team, my peers and my family. Working closely with my cohort and program coaches helped shine light on a new path forward where I am building the confidence to lead as my true, authentic self, and by doing so, empower the growth and development of those around me. I also appreciated the flexibility of the online learning community format, yet still bringing us together for a challenging and impactful residency.”
Heather Watson – Executive Director, Farm Management Canada